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Think you don’t have enough time to get an effective workout? Don’t think you can get results in just 15-minutes a day? Tired of yo-yo dieting, eliminating carbs, losing weight and gaining it all back again? End the stress and overwhelm and stop accepting that being a little soft in the midsection comes with being a father, and take action today to become a father that models health and fitness for your wife, your children, and for generations to come!

Becoming a Dad Doesn’t Mean You Have to Look Like One!

In the early stages of fatherhood, you might be smacked in the face with the realization that your days of commuting to and from the box for long, extensive WODs are over.

The demands of parenthood drastically limit your free time. With so much to do in so little time, hitting the gym is an afterthought—or a fantasy.

You can maintain your fitness or get into great shape as a new dad with limited time!


I’m Kevin Torres, and I’m all about teaching new or soon-to-be dads how to get into great shape in as little as 15-minutes a day.

I know too well what it’s like to be in the throes of early fatherhood and the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the demands of fatherhood.

As a new father, there are so many demands for your time, and the things that you love to do tend to fall by the wayside.

But your fitness should not be put on the back burner.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to teach new or soon-to-be dads that you can still consistently workout, see results, and not feel stressed for time.

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Stop accepting that being a little soft in the midsection comes with being a father, and take action today to get you started on Fighting the Dad Bod. You’ll also get a FREE three-day Forging Elite Fathers Quick Start Course in addition to tips and tricks directly to your inbox. Not your thing? You can unsubscribe in a click.

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